
I am the snake in the grass

The rawness of life

Violator, victim and protector

I am the blood

The product of society

To be mother, daughter, wife

Labels that define

I am more

Fighter, lover, power

Under skin, flesh and bone

Strip me down, and bare

Under the microscope, too small, too big, and too everything in-between

To you I am no more, then what has come before

Clean, cook and look pretty those are the keys to be successfully my sex

Female, comes with a price

Don’t be too loud, or too quiet

Don’t be too butch, or too soft

Don’t be yourself

Be what is being taught

Play with barbies and like pink, have tea parties and don’t think

That is the role, society says so

I say fuck you

I will be the warrior, and protect

I will be the seer and make my own path

I will be vengeance, love and hate

I will be the earth and nurture and show strength

I am woman, through age and time

Society cannot pin me down this time

I have many masks, I am not afraid

I will have voice and not give into hate

Here I am being me

Not labeled mother, daughter and wife

But more than that in life

I can in all the chaos, stand on my own two feet

And all I ask from you is let me be me

Stand as equals and rise

Among all the propaganda in front of our eyes

Decide with open eyes

And see the phoenix that has given rise

Woman of skin blood and bone

Who isn’t afraid of the mirror, in her own home

Who can be herself in light of day

Stand together all woman kind today

Be loud and true to yourself and let others help give rise

For once you let go of all your delusions

And break away all other standards

Self love will be found

I love you



Hold tight

The memories in flight

Not ready to say good bye

I cry

I see what was behind your eyes

Now the stranger

Restart again, from old memories

I must mend

I find heart way back in the past

You hold my hand

Protect me from the boogie man

So now the tables have turned

It’s my turn

Protect and remember

I will guide and love, forever until it is done

Memory, love

​The Sun has set

I try not to forget

Face, voice, hug

Be gone long

I am not always strong

Now I know

You were the one to show

Protect, and strong

Your voice was the Roar


But no more

Us that have been left behind

Your shoes 

Like a small child we can not fill

We love you still

Meet again we will

When the sun rises again

After the long night has ended

The box was opened

All was released

Whose hand, by my hand


Losing sight

Hold I do the box

Inside there is something that will help you

Hold it close to the chest

Fear holds back

Something takes hold

Taking, folding, trusting

Open the box, a whisper

Hidden inside, hope is still alive

The tiny flame, the first step

Look behind, you are not denied

Learned you have, through chaos and madness

Move forward now

Wounds will heal

The scares, you will remember your path

Seed of the flame nurture and trust

The chapter is complete

Move forward and on ask for help

The evolution of self has began

From the darkness into the light

Metamorphous in flight

Broken down in darkness

From ashes, awaken renew

Accept all change let go of blame

The scares define, the path you have tread

Embrace experiences you have lead

Pain will never go away and echo in the deepest space

Allow the exist, experience all this, learn

Truth was fear truth was freedom

Every and all-live unreality, by clouded mind

Reality has a way of sneaking up behind

But do not hide


Small you are now

Shattered the self image

Shattered the preconceived notion of physical self

Be silent no more

The physical is the shell; it is the lye of the self

Within, the soul, voice, action are the true reflects of you

Don’t fight embrace all that is insight

Heal and let go

Make peace, with your body that has betrayed you